How to Protect Your Pet Against Common Pet Poisons

How to Protect Your Pet Against Common Pet Poisons

Mitigating Risks and the Power of ReadyRESCUE  

Picture your pet like a toddler with a tail—they are both curious by nature! This curiosity can sometimes lead them on a sniff-and-swallow adventure of common pet poisons they absolutely shouldn’t ingest. Therefore, as pet owners, it is essential to recognize common household poisons, understand how to mitigate the risk of exposure, and know what immediate steps to take in case of accidental ingestion. Even with these precautions, our pets can be sly and to our dismay, we don’t have eyes in the back of our heads. We’ve got good news about a revolutionary product for all our curious pets: ReadyRESCUE. This revolutionary product offers a practical and effective solution that every pet owner should have at their disposal when combatting common pet poisons

Common Pet Poisons

There are many everyday items in our homes that can be harmful to pets. Among the most common pet poisons include household plants, grapes or raisins, chocolate, foods containing the artificial sweetener xylitol, THC from marijuana products, over-the-counter and prescription medications like NSAIDs and acetaminophen, and even antifreeze. 

The danger of these substances varies. For instance, ingestion of grapes or raisins can cause acute kidney failure in dogs, while THC can lead to severe neurological symptoms. Similarly, NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs like Ibuprofen and Naproxen) can cause ulcers and kidney damage, and antifreeze ingestion can lead to life-threatening kidney failure.

Mitigating the Risk of Common Pet Poisons

Prevention is undoubtedly the best way to protect your curious pets. Here are some key steps:

  1. Store harmful substances out of reach: Medications, foods, and other potentially toxic items should be stored in cabinets or locations that pets cannot access.
  1. Train your pets: Just as you would teach a child, pets can learn not to touch certain items. Training can help reduce their risk of ingestion.
  1. Watch your pets: Keep an eye on your pets, especially when they're exploring new environments, to ensure they aren't getting into anything dangerous.
  1. Plant safely: Be aware of which plants are toxic to pets and either avoid them or ensure your pets can't access them.

The Role of ReadyRESCUE™

Despite our best efforts, pets are still sneaky and accidents can still occur. ReadyRESCUE is a game-changer for pet owners, similar to how EpiPens have revolutionized allergy care. This home-use product provides immediate detoxification for pets from many common pet poisons found in households.

How it Works

Designed on the quick-response concept of an EpiPen, ReadyRESCUE is a compact, clean, and fast solution for toxin ingestion in pets. Composed of activated carbon spheres, it's designed to be administered at home as soon as a pet owner suspects toxin ingestion. It acts by binding to the toxins in the stomach, preventing them from being absorbed into the bloodstream. After binding, ReadyRESCUE and the bound toxin are eliminated in the feces.

After Administering ReadyRESCUE™ 

Pet owners should then determine what was ingested and assess whether it was toxic. This evaluation can be done through online resources, calling a vet or poison control center, or identifying what exactly the ingested substance was.

If the ingested substance is non-toxic or the dose is not high enough to be toxic, your pet is safe. If it was mildly toxic, your pet is likely fine, but you should heed the recommendation of your preferred veterinary professional and monitor for any unusual behavior or symptoms. If the substance was highly toxic, you have taken the vital first step to prevent massive intoxication. However, it is crucial to then immediately visit the vet for further detoxification and evaluation.

ReadyRESCUE delivers a timely response – it's administered at home immediately after intoxication occurs or is identified. The delivery is clean, with minimal potential for mess compared to normal activated charcoal, and it's compact, with the volume of the product being 1/5 the volume of the current veterinary gold standard. 

Pet poisoning is a real and dangerous threat, but as responsible pet owners, we can mitigate this risk through prevention and preparedness. By recognizing the common pet poisons in our homes, taking preventative measures, and keeping a ReadyRESCUE kit on hand, we can ensure that we are well-prepared to protect our furry family members from accidental poisoning.

Just as having a fire extinguisher doesn't replace calling the fire department in a blaze, ReadyRESCUE doesn't replace a visit to the vet in serious cases. But it does provide an immediate, home-care response that can prevent the situation from becoming a full-blown emergency. Think of it as a first aid kit for your pet – it won't solve every problem, but it could save their life in an emergency.



American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA). (n.d.). *Animal Poison Control*. [Link](

Pet Poison Helpline. (n.d.). *Top 10 Human Medications Poisonous to Pets*. [Link](

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